Policy 10 - Removable Media Policy
1.0 Overview
Removable media is a well-known source of malware infections and has been directly tied to the loss of sensitive information in many organizations.
2.0 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to minimize the risk of loss or exposure of sensitive information maintained by ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ and to reduce the risk of acquiring malware infections on computers operated by ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½. Any questions or comments about this policy should be directed to Information Systems.
3.0 Scope
This policy covers all removable media that contains ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ data or that is connected to a ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ network.
4.0 Policy
ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ staff may use removable media in their work computers. Sensitive information should be stored on removable media only when required in the performance of assigned duties or when responding to legitimate requests for information. When sensitive information is stored on removable media, it must be encrypted in accordance with the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Acceptable Encryption Policy. Exceptions to this policy may be requested on a case-by-case basis by petition to Information Systems.
5.0 Enforcement
Anyone found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action according to personnel policies and procedures. Students may be referred to Student Affairs for discipline. A violation of this policy by a temporary worker, contractor or vendor may result in action up to and including termination of their contract or assignment with ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½.
6.0 Definitions
Removable Media
Removable media is defined as devices or media that is readable and/or writable by the end user and are able to be moved from computer to computer without modification to the computer. This includes flash memory devices such as thumb drives, SD cards, cameras, MP3 players and PDAs; removable hard drives (including hard drive-based MP3 players); optical disks such as CD and DVD disks; floppy disks and software disks not provided by ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½.
Encryption is a procedure used to convert data from its original form to a format that is unreadable and/or unusable to anyone without the tools/information needed to reverse the encryption process.
Malware is defined as software of malicious intent/impact such as viruses, worms and spyware.
ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Network
Being connected to a ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ network includes the following:
- If you have a network capable device (ex. laptop) plugged into a ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ owned building, then you are connected to the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ LAN (local area network).
- If you have a wireless capable device (ex. laptop, iPhone) and connect to ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½Wireless or ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½Secure, then you are connected to the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ WLAN (wireless local area network).
- If you connect from a computer through the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ VPN (virtual private network), you are then connected to the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ LAN (local area network).
Sensitive Information
Sensitive information is defined as information which, if made available to unauthorized persons, may adversely affect ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½, its programs or participants served by its programs. Examples include, but are not limited to, personal identifiers and financial information. The determination of sensitivity is the responsibility of individual departments.
Policy adopted: 02-25-2011
Revision adopted:
Policy approval and adoption: ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ President's Office and Information
Systems Security