Golden Reunion
Golden Reunion at Homecoming 2024
Celebrating the Class of 1974
Calling all graduates of the class of 1974! Reunions are a special time for renewing friendships and making more memories. We have some special events planned for you on Homecoming Weekend, including a campus tour, Golden Anniversary reception at the Easley Alumni Center, reserved seating at the Homecoming parade, Tent City, and the big game on Saturday afternoon.
View complete list of homecoming events
Schedule of Events
Campus tour - Friday, October 18, 1:30 p.m.
Golden Reunion Presidents Reception - Friday, October 18, 5–7 p.m.
Coffee and Donuts - Saturday, October 19, 8–8:30 a.m.
Carpool to the Homecoming Parade - Saturday, October 19, 8:30 a.m. (Parade will begin at 9 a.m.)
Tent City - Saturday, October 19, 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Contact Us
Joyce Whitney
Alumni Association
Carrie McGinnis
Alumni Association