Panhellenic Recruitment Counselors
Meet the 2024 Panhellenic Recruitment Counselors

Laynee Harding
Vice President of Recruitment
Alpha Gamma Delta
Major: Middle School Math, What advice would you give to potential new members? Come in with an open mind, and be willing to take in the moment. You will feel like you are being put outside of your comfort zone, and that is okay! You will meet so many other girls throughout this process that are experiencing the same thoughts and emotions as you. Take it day by day and always reflect. At the end of the day, do what is best for you!

Audrey Rains
Assistant Vice President of Recruitment
Alpha Delta Pi
Major: Agricultural Systems and Technology, What advice would you give to potential new members? Always stick to your gut, your friends may go elsewhere, but the happiest you will truly be is if to stick to your own opinions and be true to who you are!

Kendra Walker
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Major: Communication Disorders, What advice would you give to potential new members? Be authentic and keep an open mind and you’ll find your home.

Brooklyn Marsh
Recruitment Counselor
Kappa Delta
Major: Middle School Education, What advice would you give to potential new members? Stay positive, and trust the process!!

Olivia (Liv) Hilliard
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Delta Pi
Major: Occupational Safety and Health, What advice would you give to potential new members? Greek Life here at ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ has had such a strong impact on my life! My advice for PNMS would be to go into recruitment with an open mindset. Recruitment should be an individual process. I can’t wait to guide these girls through this wonderful experience. I am looking forward to gaining new friendships and watching them run home on Bid Day to their forever home!

Lilly Brown
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Omicron Pi
Major: Business Administration, What advice would you give to potential new members? Just be yourself and it’ll all work out how it’s supposed to!

Kenzie Ellingsworth
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Delta Pi
Major: Exercise Science, What advice would you give to potential new members? Stay true to yourself! There are a lot of things that can happen outside of the recruitment process that can affect the way that you think. What is most important is that you are comfortable and happy!

Jenna Veatch
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Delta Pi
Major: Political Science/Pre-Professional Legal Studies, What advice would you give to potential new members? As simple as it sounds, just have fun and be yourself!

Haliyah Martin
Recruitment Counselor
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Major: Public and Community Health, What advice would you give to potential new members? When going through recruitment make sure to be yourself, keep an open mind, trust the process and stay positive! You’re going to meet so many new people and have such a fun and new experience!

Bella Broadley
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Gamma Delta
Major: Human Services, What advice would you give to potential new members? If all else fails - Be your authentic self and nothing less!!!!

Erin Gill
Recruitment Counselor
Delta Zeta
Major: Biology/Pre-Pharmacy, What advice would you give to potential new members? BE YOURSELF!! In the end you will end up where you truly belong and make the greatest friendships!

Reese Gream
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Gamma Delta
Major: Nursing, What advice would you give to potential new members? Recruitment is such an exciting time of meeting so many new girls, so stay calm, relax, and be yourself and you will find a sisterhood that’s meant for you!

Kate Drueke
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Gamma Delta
Major: Communication Disorders, What advice would you give to potential new members? Advice I would give to a PNM is to trust the process. It sounds so cheesy, but it's true! Everything works out exactly how it's suppose to happen. Be open to new ideas, and be confident in yourself!

Payton Ognibene
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Major: Middle School Education, What advice would you give to potential new members? To always keep an open mind when going through recruitment.

Megan Rauscher
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Omicron Pi
Major: Elementary Education, What advice would you give to potential new members? Come into recruitment with an open mind! You never know who you are going to meet that could influence your life in the best way possible! Recruitment could be something that is way out of your comfort zone, but from my experience is a great opportunity for personal growth.

Abby Warren
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Major: Communication Disorders, What advice would you give to potential new members? Embrace the journey of sorority recruitment with an open heart and authentic self. Remember, it's not just about finding the perfect sorority, but also discovering the place where you can grow, support others, and create lifelong relationships! Be genuine, stay true to who you are, and cherish the moments of sisterhood that will unfold!

Madison Decker
Recruitment Counselor
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Major: Design Engineering Technology, What advice would you give to potential new members? Be yourself and let your personality shine!!

Sarah Anne Sargeant
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Gamma Delta
Major: Nursing, What advice would you give to potential new members? Be yourself and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone! Recruitment is a time where you will meet your future best friends, study buddies, and sisters! Take in the experience because it is one you will cherish forever.

Natalie Bush
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Major: Communication Disorders, What advice would you give to potential new members? Keep an open mind and be genuinely yourself!

Lexie Pace
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Delta Pi
Major: Nursing, What advice would you give to potential new members? Stay true to yourself and trust the process the whole way through recruitment! Have fun and be yourself because everything will work out in the end.

Allie Rheinecker
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Gamma Delta
Major: Business Marketing, What advice would you give to potential new members? Don’t let your nerves get in the way of opening up and enjoying the process!!

Jessica Rauch
Recruitment Counselor
Delta Zeta
Major: Pre-PA, What advice would you give to potential new members? Be your authentic self! Everyone is so unique in so many ways, and I absolutely encourage that we be ourselves so we can connect with other girls who love and enjoy similar things. Talk about what makes you laugh, cry, or sing-chances are, someone else feels the same way. Opening up to others and showing your true colors not only makes you feel good, but it lets everyone else see just how special you are too!

Paige Kramer
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Major: Nursing, What advice would you give to potential new members? Be yourself! Don’t be afraid to show your true self. That is what sororities want to see. Ask the hard questions to get deep with people and find connections.

Monica Szentes
Recruitment Counselor
Delta Zeta
Major: Nursing, What advice would you give to potential new members? Coming to college and rushing is extremely scary and stressful, but I promise you everything will work out and you will find your home!

Mia Miles
Recruitment Counselor
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Major: Middle School Education What advice would you give to potential new members? Be yourself and be 100% open to any and everybody! That’s how you’ll find where you belong and how you’ll make the best friends!