William Mulligan Jr.

Dr. William Mulligan Jr.
- Ph.D., Clark University, 1982
- M.A., Clark University, 1973
- B.A., Assumption College, 1970
- "How the Irish became American." . ed. Diane Sabenacio Nitiham and Rebecca Boyd. Farham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2014.
- "Race religion in the Mexican War." . ed. Antonio S. Thompson and Christos G. Frentzos. New York: Routledge, 2014.
- "The Civil War in Western Kentucky and West Tennessee, 1860-1865: Toward Understanding the Significance of the Jackson Purchase." Journal of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society. XLI (2014).
- "Alive and Well: New Perspectives on Irish America." Journal of American Ethnic History. 31, 3 (Spring, 2012).
- "The Anatomy of Failure: Nineteenth-Century Irish Copper Mining in an Emerging Atlantic and Global Economy," . ed. David Gleeson. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2010.
- "Shades of Green and Orange: the Varied Meanings of 'Irishness' in the Diaspora." Ed. James P. Byrne, Padraig Kirwan, and Michael O'Sullivan. New York: Peter Lang, 2009.
- "What we Know about the Irish in the United States: Reflections on the Historical Literature of the Last Twenty Years." ABEI Journal (Brazillian Association for Irish Studies) 10 (2008).
- "The Case for Emotion: Looking Back at The Great Hunger." New Hibernia Review 12, 4 (2008).
- "Through a Different Lens: THe Irish Landscape as Seen by Mining Promoters, 1835-1880." . ed. Úna Ni Bhroiméil and Glenn Hooper. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2008.
- Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2007.
- Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.
- "The Irish Diaspora: The Larger Context." The Septs 27. no. 2 (April 2006).
- "From the Emerald Isle to the Copper Island: The Irish in the Michigan Copper Country, 1845-1920." Radharc 5-7 (2004-2006).
- "'The Merchant Prince' of the Copper Country: One Immigrant's American Success Story." Tipperary Historical Journal 2004.
- "Completing the Ethnic Mosaic: Irish Miners in the Upper Peninsula." Chronical (The Historical Society of Michigan) 27, no.2 (Summer 2004).
- "From the Beara to the Keweenaw: the Migration of Irish Miners from Allihies, County Cork to the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan, USA, 1845-1880." Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland I (2001)
- "Michigan in the Great Depression: The Dream Lost, The Dream Relaimed." Constance B. Schultz ed. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2001.
- "Electrionic Resources and the Education of History Professionals." The History Teacher 34 (2001).
- "History, Heritage, and Economic Development: The American Civil War and Heritage Tourism in Kentucky." ed. Mike Robinson. Sunderland, UK: The Centre for Travel and Tourism in association with Business Education Publishers, 2000.
- "Irish Immigrants in the Early Keweenaw Mines: A Research Note." The Superior Signal 15, no. 2 (May 2000).
- "Interpretation and Preservation of Civil War Sites: Two Case Studies from West Kentucky." George Wright Society Forum. 15 (1998).
- "Kentucky African Americans in the Civil War: A Brief History." Kentucky African Americans in the Civil War: A Defining Moment in the Quest for Freedom. Frankfort: Kentucky Heritage Council, 1997.
- "A Brave New World; Reflections on American Acceptance and Industrialization." Continuity: A Journal of History 21 (1997).
- "In Memory: 'Gaelic Gotham, 1996." New Hibernia Review 1 (1997).
- "Interview with Russell Kirk." Continuity: A Journal of History, 18 (1994).
- "The Cliffs Shaft Mine Site." Geo. W Maher Quarterly 2 (April-June 1992).
- "The Cliffs Shaft Project." Society for Industrial Archeology Newsletter 21 (Summer 1992).
- "Cripin's Daughters: Women, Work, and Technological Change in the Shoe Industry." Essex Institute Historical Collections 127 (1991).
- "From Artisan to Proletarian: The Family and the Vocational Training of Shoemakers in Lynn, Massachussetts." . ed. Charles Stephenson and Robert Asher. Albany: SUNY Press, 1986.
- "The Transmission of Skill in the Shoe Industry: From Family to Factory Training in
Lynn, Massachusetts, 1800-1920." ed. Ian M.G. Quimby. New York: W.W. Norton for the Winterthur Museum, 1984.
"Mechanization and Work in the American Shoe Industry: The Shoemakers of Lynn, Massachusetts, 1852-1885." Journal of Economic History 41 (1981). - "The Corporation Community: Sparrows Point, Maryland." Business and Economic History 9 (1981).
- "Divorce in Worcester County, Massachusetts, 1863-1880." Journal of Family Issues 1 (1980).
- "Mapping the Transportation System of the Mid-Atlantic States: A Preliminary Report." Historical Methods 12 (1979) [co-author].
Courses Taught
- History of Ireland
- Irish Diaspora
- Military History of the United States
- Introduction of Public History
- History of the United States Constitution
- American Experience to 1865
- Development of Historical Thinking
- Readings in United States History
Research Interests
- Colonial Amerca;
- Irish Diaspora;
- Military History;
- History of Ireland