ࡱ> %'$M  bjbj== WWl^^^^ j \$ 2  dv HN^.,0\,  SEVIS & Your Status SEVIS (Student Exchange Visitor Information System)- is the INS database developed to track the movement and studies of international students in the United States. Prior to 2002 the tracking of international students was done through a paper-based system in which schools collected certain information about each international student that attends their institution. This information was then shared with INS upon request. This system because of the need for paper to be moved made it impossible for the INS to track and enumerate international students in the country. It also caused lengthy delays (as much as 14 months) in the processing of paperwork for students with problems or who were applying for different benefits of their status. This new system will make available to INS (and only INS) certain information instantaneously. This will also allow for a more speedy process in receiving benefits such as employment permission as well as for new students in receiving visas. However, with this new system will come new responsibilities and consequences for breaking rules and regulations. Violations of status will now be entered into the SEVIS file of the student which will then notify the INS immediately of the violation. The ways of regaining student status have been greatly reduced. In the past a student who had violated status could simply get another I-20 and exit the US and then return and thereby regain their status. This will no longer be the case. In order to regain status a student will have to file for something called Reinstatement. This will cost the student approximately $140 plus about four months of waiting to see if your application is accepted. During these four months the student will be able to continue studying but will not be eligible for benefits such as working or receiving scholarships. Students will be responsible for making sure that they keep the INS updated on changes of address either by informing them using the AR-11 form or by informing the DSO of said change. Students must inform and receive permission to drop below full-time prior to dropping below full-time. Failure to do so will result in a student being determined out of status. e  F K 5CJ\CJCJ 5CJ$\ def J   & F$a$ / =!"#$% i0@0 Normal_HmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font.>`. Title$a$ 5CJ$\*B`* Body TextCJ defJ0000000000 0 0 0 0 0   Vb~333 mark.gallowaydC:\WINDOWS\Profiles\mark.galloway\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Document2.asd mark.gallowayHC:\My Documents\orientation\orientation workshop\SEVIS & Your Status.docC9H>^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.C9         @"@UnknownG:Times New Roman5Symbol3& :Arial"hsblbl#B,Y202QSEVIS & Your Status mark.galloway mark.galloway Oh+'0 $ @ L Xdlt|SEVIS & Your StatusEVImark.gallowaytaarkarkNormallmark.gallowayta1rkMicrosoft Word 9.0@@JQD@(B, ՜.+,0 hp|  ý SEVIS & Your Status Title  !"#&Root Entry F@YH(1Table WordDocumentSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPool@YH@YH  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q